Master Touch
Paintless Dent Repair
Paintless Dent Repair
Sometimes we don't have to go far to receive a client's commission. In this case, it was a family member who needed to create a brand identity from scratch for a new Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) company. It's an innovative profession that involves repairing dents in vehicles by applying continuous touches from the inside of the panel, so the vehicle looks like new without losing its original value.
We knew that the key concept was the touch, and that the work of a rod technician was artisanal. A master craftsman (or master of the touch) seeks the exact point to strike and shape the panel. Therefore, "Master Touch" was a logical and highly representative name for a new identity.
Once the name was established, it was time to give it shape. Drawing inspiration from the client's own personality and the American automotive world, an old-school style was used. From there, creating all the communication elements for social media, stationery, uniforms, and other materials was just a tremendously fun game.

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